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July 2013


New procedures for construction products starting on July 1st 2013

As from July 1st 2013 the current Construction Products Directive (CPD) will be replaced by a set of new procedures.

Construction Products Regulation (CPR) to be implemented in all Single Market member states. As for Denmark, the regulation is administered by the Danish Energy Agency. In Norway, the regulation will be officially enforced as soon as incorporated in the European Economic Area Agreement and adopted by Norwegian directives.

In practice the new Construction Products Regulation will imply an adjustment of the CE marking and the current declaration of conformity will be replaced by a Declaration of Performance (DoP).
The equivalent Scandinavian terms for DoP are:

DK: Ydeevnedeklarationer
SE: Prestandadeklarationer
NO: Ytelseserklæringer

The new set of regulations on CE marking exclusively applies to construction products covered by either a harmonized European standard (hEN) or a European Technical Assessment (ETA) and has become a precondition to sales, marketing, and distribution within the Internal Market. As for tile grouts and the majority of levelling compounds, a harmonized standard is not yet applicable.

All new DoP declarations for each product will be available in Danish on the Alfix web site.
CE marking from packaging will furthermore be added and included on each Product Data sheet. Most packaging has already been fitted with new CE marking and QR codes. When equipped with a smartphone, the user will be enabled to read any DoP directly from the packaging. During a short transition period some packaging may be supplied with labels.

For further information about DoP and CE Marking, please contact Technical Manager Allan Nielsen at or call +45 75529011

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