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Meet an Alfix employee – Martin J. Olesen, picking stock manager


Martin J Olesen has been an Alfix employee since May 2018, and as from November 2019 he has worked as stores manager at the factory in Kolding. We have asked him about his working day, and we have particularly talked about elements that characterize a remarkably good day at work according to Martin.

-Initially, could you give a brief description of your department?
My department, being the picking stock, counts in all 6 employees. We are about to employ yet another stock worker as order volumes increase.

-Which tasks are you in charge of as stock manager?
My duty is to manage and assign tasks, activate orders and see to it that our stocks tally. I work in close co-operation with the orders office as to when orders are ready for collection or shipment – or in case our customers have special requirements. We always do our very best to meet the requests of our customers.

-Could you highlight other of your functions?
Together, we ensure that all picking locations are filled; we pick items or products, stock pallets, load trucks and move pallets between the various buildings on the plant premises.

How would you describe a particularly good day at work?
That would be a busy day with plenty of orders where we manage to meet every requirement of every customer - within working hours.

Martin is 32 years old, lives in Kolding with his girl friend and their two little girls. In his spare time he focuses on family, friends and sports.

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