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Sustainable Development Goals – “We work with them every day”


In the summer and autumn of 2021, Alfix undertook an exciting process in partnership with Bureau Veritas, the recognised certification company. This initially took the form of a management workshop on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), followed by a “screening” of the company with the participation of both the management and selected employees.

“We’ve selected two strategic Sustainable Development Goals, each of which matches our core business and gives us the chance to make a real difference. The two SDGs are No. 8: Decent work and economic growth, and No. 12: Responsible consumption and production,” relates Anders Bertelsen Toft, CCO at Alfix.

Six underlying subsidiary goals are linked directly to Alfix’s ongoing growth strategy. These subsidiary goals refer to everything from sustainable product development with meticulous selection of more sustainable raw materials for the end products, to efficient production that generates less environmental impact. Responsible waste sorting and general documentation of the company’s activities in the fields of the environment, occupational health and safety, and management are likewise high on our agenda.

“We believe that the sustainability agenda deserves the greatest possible attention. As a Danish manufacturer of construction materials, we are excellently placed to help influence development in the right direction,” he continues.
Fortunately, more and more customers also expect a proactive response to the green transition today. And while Alfix has long been working for a better environment and improved OHAS – since 2000, in fact – the director confirms there are still many more activities that the company wishes to launch in the future.

“We are not perfect, but we are making a real effort. We owe it to the coming generations,” he emphasises.
Most recently, Alfix has ratified the UN Global Compact and joined Global Compact Network Denmark – the most significant global initiative for responsible business and the largest network in Denmark for responsible enterprises, respectively.

Click here to see the documentation for Alfix’s SDG process:

Verfication of works shop and screening aug - nov 2021.pdf (

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